Below are some answers to some commonly asked questions, as well as some information about potential career paths available with the Arvada Police Department.


What are the requirements to become a police officer?

In order to apply for a police job, you must meet these qualifications:

You are at Least 21 Years Old And… 

You are a United States Citizen or possess proper I-9 documentation; also must be able to communicate effectively in written and spoken English.

You have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher

There are no exceptions to our 4-year degree rule for new, non-POST certified, recruits. If you’re graduating soon, let us know!

You can Pass a Medical Evaluation and Background Check

This isn’t a physical fitness test and we aren’t just looking for criminal histories. We want to know that you are healthy, mature, self-disciplined, and ready to take on a challenging career.

You Meet the Requirements of Colorado POST

All sworn employees of the Arvada Police Department must obtain Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training Certification.

What would disqualify me from becoming a police officer?

If you have any of the following, you are not eligible to work for the Arvada PD.

☒ Criminal History
If you have been convicted of any felony, domestic violence, or any other disqualifying misdemeanor as identified by Colorado POST.

☒ Problematic Driving History
Applicants must have a current driver’s license. Additionally, we will not accept anyone who has any citation for reckless driving within the last 5 years, regardless of plea disposition.

☒ Drug or Alcohol Use
We have a zero tolerance policy for those who have used marijuana, THC, or mushroom products within the last year, used hard drugs within the last five years, had a DUI(s) in the past three years (on a case by case basis), committed prescription fraud, and other like offenses.

☒ Offensive Behavior
We pride ourselves on having Officers who uphold the strong character of the City of Arvada. You will be disqualified if you’ve ever falsified a written report, committed perjury, or had prior conduct that could bring discredit upon the Department.

What are your requirements for a lateral applicant?
  • Two years of experience as a P.O.S.T. certified officer in Colorado or out of state AND
  • Associate’s degree OR 60 credit hours from an accredited college or university
How much would I make working for Arvada Police Department?

Police Officer Annual Salary:
$84,532 to $111,836*

Detective Annual Salary:
$93,693 to $123,964*

Master Police Officer Annual Salary:

*Total includes 1.5% bonus for having a Bachelor’s Degree

What are the benefits working for Arvada Police Department?
  • Shift differential, special assignment, and on-call pay
  • Overtime calculated on a 40 hour work week
  • Portable Police Money Purchase Plan: 12% employee contribution and 12% city contribution
  • Department funded retirement health savings account
  • Free and convenient healthcare clinic
  • Uniform dry cleaning with pick-up and drop-off at the station
  • Full salary and benefits begin on day one
  • Read the Complete Benefits Package
What is your Pre-Academy Program?

We prepare you for success in your career with the Arvada Police Department by providing:

  • Physical Fitness Programs
  • Local Geography
  • Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) Training
  • Policy & Procedure Training
  • Work/life balance schedule

Receive a full salary and benefits from pre-academy through the fully funded Colorado POST law enforcement academy!

Career Paths

Explore our diverse options and discover your next career path. Click on any police career path to learn more about the job.

Administrative Officer

Officers assigned to the Administrative Bureau are responsible for:

  • Recruiting and hiring new officers
  • Developing, revising, and implementing new policies 
  • Ensuring employees are accountable to the professional standards set by law and policy
  • Overseeing new officer recruits training program and administering in-service training for officers
Patrol Officer

As a Patrol Officer you are responsible for maintaining public order and safety and every day of your career will be unique. If you have strong character, love diversity in your work, and want to serve the community, a patrol career could be a great choice. In this role you will:

  • Pursue and arrest criminals
  • Enforce the law (including state and local ordinances)
  • Act as first responders
  • Patrol neighborhoods and more

To find out more about the services patrol officers and others provide, check out our Public Safety (Police) pages on ArvadaCO.gov

What’s it Like?

“Being a patrol officer is not an easy job. It is stressful, it can be emotional and it is sometimes disturbing. But, we do it for that reason — because we are the ones who are meant to be stressed and are strong enough to do it which stops someone else from having to see and do those things.” — Commander Avila

SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) Officer

When high-risk incidents happen, the SWAT team responds. In Arvada, SWAT is regional, meaning members of multiple law enforcement agencies join together to form an elite group of highly trained and specially equipped professionals. From hostage negotiation to explosive breaching, SWAT professionals learn diverse skills. Here’s some additional information about SWAT:

  • Is SWAT full-time?
    • No. SWAT is only mobilized when their special skills are needed 
  • What sorts of incidents does SWAT respond to?
    • SWAT responds to a range of incidents including situations with hostages and barricades.

Learn more about this regional Colorado team by visiting SWAT on JeffCo.us.

School Resource Officer

Do you believe that you could be a strong mentor to children? Do you want to help keep schools safe for students? School Resource Officers serve elementary, middle, and high schools by providing these services, talking with parents and teachers, and acting as liaisons between the police department and school communities. Find out more about this program and its officers at School Resource Officers on Arvada.org.

Police Detective

As a Police Detective you will be working in criminal investigation, which involves conducting interviews, gathering evidence, and getting to the bottom of cases. At the Arvada Police Department, detectives specialize in specific kinds of investigations including property crimes and crimes against children. Being a detective requires advanced skills, training, and experience and becoming one is hard work. If you’re interested in pursuing this career, please speak with a recruiting officer to learn about the path from patrol officer to police detective.

What’s it Like?

“As a detective, my day involves working with multiple agencies, victims and suspects to identify crimes and all those affected or involved. You are constantly chasing leads, collecting evidence and conducting interviews. Being a detective requires patience for the slow buildup of a case, ensuring a successful prosecution by the district attorney.” — Detective Hall

Crime Scene Investigator (CSI)

Are you a detail-oriented person who loves science? Then a career as a Crime Scene Investigator might be perfect for you! To be an investigator, you’ll need to be able to stay composed in a variety of situations. For example, if the science of blood spatter, the intricacies of fingerprints, and helping solving cases from the inside out interests you, a career as a CSI could be a perfect fit. As a CSI at the Arvada PD, you’ll:

  • Help to solve crimes by collecting and analyzing evidence
  • Have access to state-of-the-art technology
  • Be part of a highly trained and respected team
Community Response Impact Officer (CRIT)

As a Community Response Impact Team (C.R.I.T) officer, you will have the opportunity to creatively pursue long-term solutions to criminal activity and become an integral part of high-crime communities. You will also empower those in the community by educating and partnering with them and conducting free training for citizens year round.

What’s it Like?

“I like being on the Community Response Impact Team because we target specific crimes. We are the special teams of the Arvada PD – we come in when there is a specific task to be done. Whether it’s a problem property, current crime trend such as auto thefts or vehicle trespasses, or concentrating our efforts on working in a high crime area, we ensure that our community stays safe by targeting crime where it is happening and criminals wherever they may be.” — Officer Curtice

Field Training Officer

Field Training Officers are responsible for shaping new recruits and help to build the foundation for the organization’s future. If you are an experienced police officer who epitomizes respect, dedication, and responsibility, then you may have the opportunity to become an Field Training Officer during your career with the Arvada PD.

What’s it Like?

“I like being a Field Training Officer (FTO) because I enjoy the challenge of teaching new officers how to apply what they’ve learned in an academy setting to real life. Being an FTO forces me to not only understand the most important skills and knowledge which serve to build a solid foundation for new officers, but it also gives me an opportunity to be a role model and set an example for new officers and our community.” — Sergeant Nesladek

Community outreach, resource, and enforcement team (CORE)

The CORE team works closely with the homeless population and community members impacted by homeless issues. They offer support and resources to people experiencing homelessness and enforce related laws to ensure a safe environment for everyone in the city. 

Traffic / Patrol

Keep order, enforce traffic law, and investigate traffic accidents using world-class software and tools by becoming a Traffic Officer. In this role you’ll use motorcycles, marked, and unmarked vehicles to patrol.

What’s it Like?

“I enforce traffic code, but more importantly, I investigate accidents when the traffic code isn’t followed. Yes, I’ve seen some brutal and tragic accidents, but I know that my hard work is going to allow the victims of these accidents a shot at justice and holding those responsible accountable.” — Detective Steiner


Police dogs are members of the force with four paws and unique skills. In fact, our K-9 Officers team up with police dogs to:

  • Help find drugs, conduct searches and look for evidence
  • Work with SWAT to help protect public safety


Still have some questions? That is ok… reach out to one of our recruiters using the form below and we will be in touch quickly.


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You ready to take the next step? Be a part of the Arvada Police Department and “Imagine the Possibilities”.